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This game was really good ! the artstyle and animation was so cute ! but I am still confused what is going on :O 


wow just finished the game. cute artstyle, cute charachters. knda confused on what's going on but that's okay. i got 6 and 7. I think 7 was very nice. i accidentally skipped the part with the white room code, so that kinda sucks

(2 edits)

not really a bug, but in the deja vu book there's a typo. it says wronlgy instead of wrongly. is that intentional? is wrongly a word?

another typo in the videos. non instead of none

Deleted 3 years ago
(2 edits) (+2)(-1)


I'm stuck on the part after you unlock the other locked door upstairs (the one with the skeletons) and get the file. There's a sparkle on the drawer in Fio's bedroom but it looks like I need some code, but i couldn't find anything. Anyone know how to get progress thru it???

There is a walkthrough you can download from the main page ^^


My friends and I love this game so much, we even went as far to make fanart for it! It's so enchanting and we just love the horror aspect of it all. I played through it possibly three times now. 

Aw, thank you so much! I would love to see the fanart if you want to share it :) 

Hello! Just bought the full version, hopefully, these two new endings are going to be worth the money, haha. I never got attached to a game so quickly before, it's amazing. The designs, their backstories, their personalities, everything is amazing, thank you so much for the making of this game. My favorite endings were the second and eighth ones, looking forward to playing the ninth and tenth! Aaaaa I'm in love with this, it's sooooo good!!!!!!!

Hello! I'm glad you enjoyed the game :) Thank you for purchasing the extended edition! I personally think most of its value lies in the bonus room and the after scenes that come with it, rather than the two additional endings though!

I actually loved one of the additional endings, it was really funny and took away the scary and sad vibe of the game, and yes!!! I LOVED the bonus room, it's so cute, I'm glad I can get more information on everything with the after scenes too, they gave me chills, ngl.


this game is really good but ir=ts pretty short please make it longerrrrr



I loved the game, would the extended version be available in steam anytime soon or do we have to purchase it from itch only?

I've thought about putting it on steam but the 100 $ fee is putting me off a little! Maybe once I've earned enough from the sales :')

Deleted 3 years ago

Maybe Fio and Crow got killed by Sofia and Crow remembered his memories? I don't know, because I'm still played the demo version. Maybe Sofia is obsessed with Crow but Crow rather with Fio so Sofia get revenge?


This story is wonderful. I wish there were less confusing puzzles though. I have a simple mind so maybe ut was easier for someone else to do rather than me haha. But otherwise I loved it. Quite the ending twist as well. Good job!

What days do you have to play games with fio for it to register as somtimes

Can be any of the days, just needs to be at least once and not every time. Also make sure you don't wait until the last day :)


So on my first playthrough, I was getting really interested in how much promise the game showed. Then I hit an ending and thought "...was that it?" - like it just felt like such an early finish, and such a waste. Then I looked at the walkthrough file and realised that, funny enough, it felt like an early finish because it was the 'early' ending. Well done me 🙄😂

Now that I've played through the rest of the game, I've got no hesitation saying it realised its potential. For how short the story is, there's a really good amount of depth to it, and the replay value is top notch with a decent difference to each ending (ending #3 in the guide absolutely slayed me 😂). The puzzles were satisfying without being torturous, the subtle in-game changes as it progressed were very well implemented, and we were given just enough character development that, by the end of it, I found myself invested in the guys' relationship and sincerely hoping for a truly good ending for them. The story was told well, I love the visuals, and just overall loved the game!

Didn't hesitate in buying the extended edition, I'm looking forward to seeing where it ends up.

(Also: Fio is such a precious bean, I just wanna protect him...)


Thank you for this detailed, yet spoiler-free review! I'm glad you got this much out of the game and didn't quit after reaching the first ending haha Thank you for buying the extended edition, but please know that the main game is the same as the standard edition aside from two more endings you can get pretty early on. The main difference is the bonus room with some more after-scenes and art and stuff. :) Hope you have fun exploring these things, though!

For the benefit of future readers debating whether or not to go for the extended edition - I recommend it!

As Hatoge said, the extra endings are accessed quite quickly, but one of them answered a "Yeah but why doesn't he just--" question I had, so that was a plus! Also the bonus content is fantastic; if you've grown to love the cast the extra details about them are a wonderful addition, and I love seeing a bit of history/background into the development of projects too. I also really appreciated the after-endings, they added to the story without feeling like a fanservicey cop-out~

oh my god, it was amazing, the visuals ? spectacular , the soundtrack ? amazing, the storyline ? out of this world, you guys are amazing ! ! i cant wait to see more of your games in the future ~ !

Thank you! I'm just a solo dev though, no team unfortunately :'D Maybe one day.


you're amazing ! i hope one day you can achieve all your dreams/goals ! good luck ! oh and i have folllowed and downloaded your other games, and plan to play it later this week, stay safe ! ! !

Deleted post

this was such a great experience, i love how the theme about dejavus and the experiments are connected. i still kinda confused but i am excited to find the other endings! i also loved the art, so beautiful i just want them to be happy </3

(1 edit) (+1)

I love this game so much. The only problem i currently have with it is i can olny find 3 endings. i dont know how to get to other ones. if someone reads this please comment on how to.

There is a walkthrough that tells you how to get them. It can be downloaded from the main page. Also please edit out the spoilers in your comment ^^"


Sorry for the spoilers. Thanks for the advice!

This game was amazing!! I have been keeping an eye on it for like a week but I hadn't played it because I was too scared lol but I'm glad I finally downloaded it! 

this game made me ugly cry. needless to say i loved it! i cant wait to get the rest of the endings!

I hope this will get fixed. I am stuck on the loading screen right after walking to the right side of the train scene. The character is not showing too during this part. Sadly, I need to stop the game right after trying to restart multiple times during my live stream. Anyway, the game looks promising.

You may check around 23:46 of my stream.

Thank you for the bug report, and I'm sorry this happened on stream. Unfortunately this is not a bug I was able to replicate, so I'm assuming it is a loading issue that happens with some devices. I've cut most of the train segment out of the game now, which should in theory prevent this bug from happening for anyone. If you decide to give the game another shot, I would appreciate it very much if you could let me know if it works now. Thank you, and sorry again for the inconvenience. :'(

Are you sopcse to be able to get into the room with machines running

i have found 3 endings but i still cant get in there


You can only get into that room through a bonus room scenario available in the extended edition. Within the main game (in either versions) it is not possible to enter that room.

This is such amazing game, like I've never been so emotionally invested in something before. the atmosphere was amazing, the music, the visuals just everything was awesome. I legit started tearing u p at the end too. id defiantly recommend this game and I'm  now in love with the game forever. 

(took me a while to figure stuff out but the comments heped a lot when I was super stuck) 

great job Hatoge!! 

great game loved it and hopping for part 2

(1 edit)

im stuck on this mirror part i it says 1x 1x  on a peace of paper on the mirror and there are 2 people on the paper can someone explain it to me and i have the present 

turn off the lights in the room

go to the upstarirs bathroom get the bucket from the sink go to the kithcen and then fill the trashcan that is as far as i got

put the present in the trach can


im stuck in the place where fios smartphone is on the drawer after 1 reboot and i cant fid the code for the drawer

im not sure where the code is but im pretty sure i have checked evry singile intreacatible thing

i picked up the present too


imma figure it out on my own

this problaly isnt a bug or any thing

What's the passcode for the phone I'm so stuck.

if you go to google and search, hatoge code, youll find in near the bottom

What's the padcode number

The padcode is 1989

I'm stuck in the train :/ when i get out there's a loading screen that loads forever and I can't do anything :(

Hello! Can you please give me some more information on this issue? Does this happen in the browser version or the downloaded one? What day does this happen? 

the downloaded version on the first day

I tried cutting most of this segment out of the game, which in theory should solve the problem you've been facing. If you redownload the game and play until then, please let me know if it works. Sorry for the inconvenience!


(1 edit)

How do i unlock that hidden code on the wall closer to fios room? i have alredy finished all the 8 endings and i have no clue about this one. 

oh this is just the debug menu in case you run into an error (which I have probably solved at this point, so you shouldn't run into it anymore, anyway). If you completed all endings, then you don't need to worry about it. No extra content to be found there :)

hi, i rlly want to keep playing the game but whenever i load on the train after waking up crow isn't there and i can move to the next car but it just produces like an infinite loading screen. any idea how to fix this? i've reloaded the game several times and even restarted my computer but still nothing :(

Deleted 3 years ago

Posted a new build that hopefully fixed this issue.  If you redownload the game, please let me know if it works now. Sorry for the inconvenience!

the problem is still there for me unfortunately :( i re-installed and also re-downloaded the game, but nothing. i'm playing on mac, if that helps any

ah, that makes sense. The game is build for windows, so I'm surprised it works at all on mac. I can post a build for mac, but if that doesn't work either there is nothing I can do since I don't own a mac ^^"

ah, i downloaded windows 10 onto my mac and was shocked to see that there's a little intro sequence after you find fio on the first night! i'm not sure if that would help with the mac build in any way but since it's working on windows for me i'm excited to finally be able to play it!


how do you find the code for the padlock- and the sparkle on the books wont go away even if i read it- help-


The code for the padlock is inside the book. Anything that is necessary to progress the story will have a sparkle on it until you no longer need it.


Hihi! I'm under 17, but I believe I can handle these topics. Am I able to play?

As long as you are okay with everything inside the content warning.


There is no software that will detect your age and disable you from playing nor will you face any legal repercussions, however please understand that I can not legally give you my blessings to play the game nor do I take any responsibility for anyone disregarding the age label or content warnings. Do with this information whatever you wish.

i'm stuck on the train

Can you please tell me more about this problem you've run into? It appears somebody else is having similar issues and I would like some more details, so I can see if I can resolve it :)

Well, I played and absolutely adored Ouija Sleepover (which, in turn, turned out to be one of my most viewed videos ever, so that's awesome), so of course I had to check this one out when I learned about it.

I do really like a lot of what  I see here. The art is nice, obviously, characters are interesting, and it's a neat spin on the whole cycle thing you see in horror games. Not to mention the various puzzles are fairly simple to understand and find within context given in the game, rather than getting as obtuse as some RPGMaker puzzles do.

That said, I gotta admit I enjoyed Ouija Sleepover more, and it might have to do with me finding this game's story a tiny bit unclear. It's totally possible that I just misunderstood stuff, but I just don't see myself playing the full thing through to try every combination of interactions with Fio / opening the box to make sense of it all, and one ending I got felt oddly disconnected from the story itself - to me, at least.

Don't take this as the game not being high quality. It's good, DAMN good as can be expected from Hatoge - but I certainly did prefer the former game. Still, absolutely gonna be in line to play the next one, no question about it.


I finished the entire game in one go and honestly, I loved it so much. I loved the mystery, the suspense, but also the way we got to know and understand the relationship between the main characters, and feel deeply for them. And the endings! So different, so unique, and all so enjoyable! I also never encountered any technical problems at all while playing, it was all extremely smooth. I will be sure to keep an eye on more of your works!! Thank you so much for sharing this game with us all!

Thank you! I'm glad you got so much out of the game. :)

Amazing job

Alright so I played the browser version and got "uncaught type error: cannot read property 'width' of null" after the water puzzle, and so I read the comments, downloaded the game, but the exact same thing happened there too.


I might have figured out what is causing this kind of bug and am currently testing a new version which will go these next few days. Sorry for the inconvinience!

really interesting game!

At the very end, I received an ominous message referencing a white room and the code '20082020'. Does anyone happen to know where and what this is?

Deleted post

Gotcha, thanks!

are these errors apart of the game or is there glitches


They are not a part of the game. Please reference 'debug.txt'

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